In this noisy, fast world, it is more important than ever to be savvy about how to communicate ideas. Productive Presentations shows participants how to get their message across, so that it can make a difference.

We've all sat through painful presentations where presenters drone on or make us read along on slides packed with facts and figures.

Whether speaking to one person or many, you must have the skills to connect with the listeners and communicate in a way that speaks to them. If you want your work to have impact, you must cultivate communication skills.

In Productive Presentations, participants learn how to craft and deliver presentations that are clear, compelling, and make their case.  Modules include:

   The Power of Presentation

   The Presenter’s Mindset

   The Presentation Design

   The Presentation Delivery

   The Presentation Slides & Materials

For additional guidance and support, participants can follow-up the course with one-on-one Productive Presentation Coaching. Alternatively, participants can opt to take only the Productive Presentation Coaching as a stand alone (without the course).